One upon a time, we asked a pretty regular client at Hit House how he found out about the studio (yes, he was a male and yes, he worked in finance). His response made us laugh. "I just googled, 'Where do models workout in NYC?' and Hit House came up." (Well, Google isn't wrong.)
Our instructors have worked one-one-one with a handful of top models over their training careers and the number one concern when hitting pads was always the same: bruising. It's not shocking that models can't show up to a photoshoot with a black eye or walk the runway with black and blue shins. (When Hit House co-owner Tyler Scott was developing his patented Bishop striking bag, he took this into consideration.)
However, Muay Thai can be a highly beneficial workout for models. Whether or not it’s recommended depends on the individual model’s goals, fitness level, and how it fits into their overall training plan. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons of participating in Muay Thai for models (and -- you won't be surprised to find out that a lot of the benefits are the same for people in any line of work):

Benefits of Muay Thai for Models:
Full-Body Workout
Why it helps: Muay Thai is a high-intensity workout that incorporates both aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. It engages the entire body: improving strength, coordination, flexibility and endurance. The combination of punches, kicks, knees and elbows (and footwork!) helps develop a balanced, lean physique.
Muscle Toning: It builds lean muscle, particularly in the legs, core, and arms. The constant movement and technique work help keep the body toned (which is important when your job is being a certain measurement or "look.")
Cardio Conditioning
Why it helps: Muay Thai is fabulous* for building cardio endurance. The intense intervals of throwing strikes raises the heart rate and promote fat burning, helping models maintain a lean physique. *translation: this workout is very challenging and lots of cardio!
Fat Loss: If combined with a proper diet, this workout creates a calorie deficit through high-intensity exercise. (Editor's note: we hate writing about fat loss and strongly believe people should not train Muay Thai specifically to lose weight, but feel like it's important to mention when discussing this industry.)
"Mental Toughness"* & Focus
Why it helps: Muay Thai requires intense mental focus, discipline, and resilience. These qualities can translate well to modeling, where concentration and a calm demeanor are essential for long photoshoots and runway walks. It also helps manage stress, which is important in the high-pressure environment of modeling.
Stress Relief: The physical exertion and mental focus needed in Muay Thai can act as a stress reliever, helping models maintain their mental health amidst their busy and often stressful schedules (and casting rejections).
*Tyler Scott quote, of course
Improved Posture & Core Strength
Why it helps: Core strength is critical for maintaining good posture, which is vital in modeling. Muay Thai requires a strong core for balance, quick movements, and to protect the body during strikes. This will help models hold strong, confident poses!
Flexibility & Mobility: Many Muay Thai movements—particularly kicks and knees—enhance flexibility in the hips and legs, which can aid in better posing and flexibility on the runway or in photoshoots.
Self-Defense Skills
Why it helps: While this may not be directly related to modeling, Muay Thai provides self-defense skills that can boost a person’s confidence and awareness.
Potential Drawbacks for Models
Risk of Injury
Why it’s a concern: Muay Thai, like any martial art, involves high-impact movements, including strikes to the body, which can lead to bruising or injury, especially for beginners. For a model, any injury could interfere with jobs or a fitness regimen.
How to mitigate: Models should start with beginner classes and progress gradually, ensuring they use proper form and technique. They should also take adequate rest if experiencing any soreness or strain. Of course at Hit House we are biased, but working on Bishop eliminates bruising and lessens the chance of injury!
Muscle Bulk & Definition
Why it could be a concern: While Muay Thai builds lean muscle, it also involves power-based movements that can lead to some muscle definition and development in areas like the legs, shoulders, and arms. Some models may not want to develop too much muscle, depending on what their agency is requiring of them, as it could impact the "lean" aesthetic that is often preferred in fashion modeling.
How to mitigate: If muscle bulk is a concern, models can focus on lighter training and more technical aspects of the sport, avoiding excessive conditioning exercises that might build larger muscles.
Time Commitment & Recovery
Why it’s a concern: Muay Thai requires significant commitment in terms of training time. Training multiple times per week, especially at a high intensity, could interfere with a model’s other responsibilities, such as photoshoots, runway shows, or attending castings. Additionally, the physical intensity can be taxing on the body, requiring ample recovery time. (Fight camp is typically a 20-hour-per-week commitment.)
How to mitigate: Incorporate Muay Thai as part of a balanced workout schedule—perhaps 1-2 times per week, with plenty of recovery days in between. At Hit House, you can drop into class at any time.
Impact on Flexibility
Why it’s a concern: While Muay Thai enhances flexibility in the lower body (especially the hips), it can sometimes create tightness in the upper body, particularly the shoulders and arms due to the striking motions. This could affect the fluidity of certain poses for modeling. (translation: we be hunched and tight!)
How to mitigate: Incorporate regular stretching or yoga sessions to balance any muscle tightness, ensuring overall flexibility and range of motion.

Should Models Participate in Muay Thai?
Yes, with moderation & proper technique. Muay Thai can be an excellent addition to a model’s workout routine, provided it is practiced in moderation and does not interfere with their specific modeling needs. The full-body toning, cardiovascular benefits, and mental focus it offers are all excellent for enhancing a model’s physique and mindset.
Ideal for: Fitness models, sports models, or those looking to stay in top shape while also improving their mental resilience and confidence.
Not ideal for: High-fashion or runway models who need to maintain a very specific, lean physique with minimal muscle bulk.
If you are a model considering Muay Thai:
Start with a beginner’s class to learn the basics and avoid overtraining.
Focus on the technical aspects rather than pushing for maximum intensity or power, especially if muscle definition is a concern.
Complement Muay Thai with flexibility and recovery workouts, such as yoga or stretching, to balance any tightness that may develop.
Pay attention to their body, avoid overtraining, and ensure adequate rest between sessions to prevent injury or burnout.
Ultimately, Muay Thai can be a great way for models to stay in shape and develop strength and endurance (plus, it's just awesome!), but the key is to practice it in a way that supports their overall goals without compromising their physical needs for modeling.